mode: On/Off voice transfer' is only useful when you're using Room Mode. If the Voice Chat panel does not appear, ensure the ' Voice Chat' option is enabled in the ingame Audio options. ' Show VoiceChat window' allows you to toggle the Voice Chat panel On/Off. You'll have to do this using the cockpit controls. You won't be allowed to change the frequencies from this panel if you're flying the F/A-18C, for instance. Some Voice Chat panel controls will be unavailable whether you're in a FC3 aircraft or in a study-sim aicraft. In front of each aircraft radio, a colored square shows the radio status: active, inactive or damaged, transmtting, receiving. For this very reason, it is only available once you enter an aircraft. It uses your aircraft radio system to receive and emit. Once entering a multicrew aircraft, an 'Intercom' room gets automatically added to the Room mode panel. If you want to, you can create a new room in just one second. Room mode is available as soon as you enter a multiplayer server lobby (where slots are displayed). Select a Room, press the Room mode push-to-talk button, and speak. Room mode ( ) is the simplest mode of the two. To switch from one mode to the other, simply click the antenna icon ( / ). It features two separate modes: 'Room' and 'Radio'. You can find a more thorough guide made by ED here.ĭCS Voice Chat is no mod, it's part of the game and available right out-of-the-box.